Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Quiet weekend. The weather has been wonderful. 

We've been planning out our travel for the next year. A couple of big trips are happening for us, and and so we are digging into the details.

I find that I am developing an allergy to the word "luxury." Some of our travel companions are very excited by such experiences. I am less enthusiastic. I'm trying to clearly explain to myself why, but the words are not coming easily. 

Our trips--

Mid October to New Mexico to visit a friend, see the balloon festival, and tour other New Mexican sights.

February-- probably a trip to Thailand with Evan and Allen to celebrate Allen's sixtieth birthday. 

August next year--- a trip to France and then the Azores. Some old college friends have invited us along and I really want to spend time with them. 


"Tommy" said...

Sounds Like Ya'll are beginning to venture into Semi-Retirement. Could it BE!

Anonymous said...

Lord yes please :-). A secret admirer
