Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Good for you! I have to admit I still have Instagram and TikTok, but I try to minimize the amount of time I spend on them.

I could never get into TikTok. It makes me feel like I'm watching someone else channel surf.

I've tried minimizing the amount of time I spend on social media. That doesn't work for me. I keep finding reasons to stay on a little longer.

1 comment:

Bohemian said...

I spend more time in The Land of Blog than any other Social Media site. I pop in from time to time on The Book of Faces becoz most of who I'm connected to there are those I'm quite close to but they don't live close anymore. Mostly I like to see the new Pixs they're Sharing with close Friends and immediate Family. TikTok the Grandkids like a lot but I can't get into that or Instagram. For a while I was spending too much time viewing Pinterest, hardly go there at all anymore. The same with EBay, it had it's appeal and now it's rare I need or want anything to throw my Hat in the Ring to try to Win a Bid on.
