Tuesday, September 07, 2021

This past week, the husband and I have watched a couple of planned vacations become restricted to the point where we probably can't go.

About a year ago we bought a European cruise scheduled for December 2021. There should be vaccines by then! This will all be over by then! Now, with the delta variant, travel restrictions have grown to the point that we've had to cancel.  

Last year the husband won an work-awards trip to Basel Switzerland. COVID canceled that. Instead he was given a trip to Hawaii. This morning we received an email asking visitors of Hawaii to stay away

Our new plan is just to take some time off, and see what's available when the time gets close. Things are too fluid to make long term plans.

Personally, I'd be happy renting a cabin along the Pacific North West ocean, and just storm watching for a week.


Bathwater said...

Looks like you might be making a road trip. I feel more comfortable doing that right now. Too bad you cannot go on any of those great vacations. I hope he can still reschedule them for later.

Bohemian said...

It is an ever changing World with this stubborn Pandemic, we all are going to have to adapt and improvise. Your Plan for the Coast sounds doable, better something that could actually happen, than something you really look forward to and then have to abort and be disappointed about.
