I bought a bike. A regular bicycle. I haven't owned a bike in years. The husband started bicycling a bit last year. Now that the weather is improving, I thought I'd get one so I can join him when possible.
Last week was very routine. Work by day. Relax by night. Games over zoom with friends when we can.
I love my bike! Went on some great rides last year. I hope you enjoy yours.
I'm catching up on Blog Posts... I forgot how to ride a Bike. Evidence of that, several Years ago I bought a Vintage Bike, couldn't ride it, Traded it in for an Adult Tricycle and couldn't ride that either, how humiliating, I almost fell off it and the Grands thought it might be too dangerous for me to keep trying. *LOL* So much for the old saying you never forget how to ride a Bike, it's a Lie!
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