Thursday, November 05, 2020


This pic was taken as the sun was rising. It gave everything a warm glow.

The night of the election I slept poorly. It talked to H about it. H is a friend who is a black woman. H said she slept well. Her opinion is that the election won't change things as much as I think. She is probably right. This is all a good reminder of the serenity prayer.


Bathwater said...

It may quiet things down after awhile. It may allow the country to no look as foolish to the rest of the world.

Bohemian said...

Those who've been in the struggle of Racial inequality know that Change is slow and sometimes tarries too long to get to the place it should. I think your Friend is right, tho' this vile current Administration backslid America back to a time I recall that was not anything I wanted to return to in the way of Racist attitudes... tho' clearly, it was always still there and just brought into the Light, ugly as it is.
