Wednesday, November 06, 2024

As Tommy said... the people have spoken.

I will use this as an opportunity to get off Facebook and other social media. It's insidious how they invade your consciousness. Even after deleting Facebook, I catch myself pulling out the cell phone and thumbing over to where the app once was. 

This blog doesn't count. It's slower. Contemplative. One must put effort into speaking and listening. 


"Tommy" said...

I commented on a blog entry from one of my daily reads. It truly is the Fear of the Unknown. I just can't see Congress not standing up to some of his motives. I hope some strong people Who Took the Oath of Office to protect and defend our Constitution Stand Up and Voice their opinions. I hope So, and I Pray So!

Bathwater said...

Good for you, Facebook is the worst. TikTok is just as bad, although I have taught it's algorithm just to show me Korean cheerleader and K-pop stars :).
