Got him. It only took two months and, um, an expensive new camera.
Corona-virus thoughts-- lately I'm feeling different about this situation. I used to feel like I just had to bear down and power though it. Now I'm feeling... acceptance?
I want to start exploring how to live in a world where will must perpetual distancing.
I'm going to clean and organize my office like I'm going to work there permanently. Right now it's just a desk with a bunch of stuff I shoved aside back in March.
We are also talking about driving to California to visit the Husband's parents. It will be a working trip. Both of us will work for the day, since we can work from anywhere. We can hang out with his parents in the evenings.
Thats a Great Photograph, when u click on it, bring it to the main screen, you can see Rufus' eyeball... Wonderful Detail...
Nice Camera!!!! Good Photographer is the most important component, who pushes the shutter button!!!
It is nice being able to work from anywhere. The future has some benefits.
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