Thursday, May 21, 2020

I saw Rufus chase away a humming bird that was sitting at our feeder. While Rufus was off on the war path, these two settled in for a sip.

I turned 50 yesterday. This husband made it a great day.

For a few weeks now, behind my back, he had been organizing friends to send me a birthday cards. The husband had been intercepting the cards at the mailbox. When I walked into the dining room yesterday morning, I saw the table covered by three dozen cards. It was wonderful to go through them all.

He made me his special Strawberry cake.

In the evening, we had a zoom call with east coast friends. We ate the cake and sent out pieces to our neighbors. We don't need that much cake in our house.

Our friends A & E came over for a piece of cake. We had a discussion about this beforehand. Our state is opening up soon. And all of us had been healthy while quarantining. So, it was OK to spend some time with A & E. We will need to watch that this doesn't become a pattern. 


"Tommy" said...

y'all are doing well... having platforms to communicate by, office caring about the staff member ... its just a delight ....

Now as you go toward a Red State, that atmosphere less likely to produce the offfice mentally that y'all have...

Opus Pro Poplus

Power of the People....

Y'all should be thankful fo the progressive nature of Business there....

Bathwater said...

Happy Birthday. I think everyone is starting to think about selectively hanging out with others.
