Monday, March 16, 2020

It's a quiet day today.  I had a full day working from home, as did the husband. The brother in law is home early from work as there is less for him to do at work. He works in the kitchen at a retirement home. The residents are in lock down. Meals are being delivered to them. 

I don't talk much about our other roomy-- H. We have a mother-in-law apartment that we rent to her. She is a good room mate. She walks the dog when we are not around. She is clean. Trust worthy. A good person. She is also out of work. The studios where she worked have closed due to the Coronavirus. She is keeping busy. She and the brother-in-law love to watch horror movies together. We have told her not to worry. These are unusual times and we aren't going to kick her out because she can't pay rent.


Bathwater said...

Many people I know are being affected by the virus shutdown also. It seems like it is the people who actually need their jobs too and cannot work from home. I hope this shutdown works.

"Tommy" said...

I hope America heeds the warnings, however I have no faith in the Cultural Population of my home state Louisiana.... they just don't get it.... yesterday a group of my neighbors were having drinks as usual.. only to say they were socially distancing themselves on a porch down the street....... OMG PLEASE.... Say away from each other ...

I hope this ends soon.. or sooner than anticipated
