The Simple Pleasures of a Bonfire....
The twenty year old me would be horrified with the forty year old me.
Horrified? Maybe I mean profoundly bored. When I was twenty I dreamt of travel and never settling down. I didn't have great career aspirations. Yet hear I am at forty. I own a house in the suburbs. On weekends I take care of the yard. I like it that way.
Until last year, the yard was unruly and taken over by black berries-- viscous ugly vines. Over the winter I've got rid of the vines. Now it's wonderful space again. Kind of like park or camp ground.
This past weekend we made a fire pit and have been burning the fallen branches and other debris. I'm amazed at how much there is to burn and how pleasant it is to sit by the fire and with a beer and watch the debris go up in smoke.
Seems that the older you get the more life's simple pleasures are the best...
Had crawfish last night at the house, Bradly, his roomie, and myself, sit on the patio and gorged our selves, smoked a cigar and was in bed by 10pm... Simple Life in Louisiana
simple is always better!
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