I was on Vactation last week-- did some work around the house and goofed off a lot.
IR has had some weird drama. He had a stalker who called him every hour or so. Then IR called the cops. The cops talked to the stalker and the calls stopped. But then one day when IR came home from work, IR's door was open and all his underwear was missing.
I spent Thanks Giving with C6 and J down on Fox Island. It was a good dinner. Afterwards we watched White Chicks which is a good bad movie.
Steven's had a re-org at work. He doesn't like the changes because he'll be traveling more. Right now he travels 2 or 3 days a week.
Computer Problems Are The Devil
*We made the Wal-Mart bought Pupusas this Morning, they aren't as good at
the South American Food Truck Vendors are, but, they were alright. I think
13 hours ago