Saturday, March 08, 2003

I'm buying lots of stuff lately. I'm building my own stereo amplifier from spare parts. Through the mail, I received most of the parts on Thursday. So I've been driving around buying the remaining pieces.

Last night over dinner, we noticed that Dan Savage used the phrase "Google their kinks." i.e. Go to Google.Com and use it to search for your kinks. I asked who had done so. Everyone begrudingly admitted they had. We also laughed that Google has become a mainstream word.

After dinner, I ran into Behr and the Tease. We ended up at the Cuff and drank a lot. This weird guy kept cruising and chatting with me. Then he'd take offense at something minor-- if I looked briefly at Behr for example-- and walk away muttering about how I wasn't interested in him. Then a few minutes later, he'd start cruising and chatting with me again.

That cycle happened at least half a dozen times. It's too bad he was so weird because he was kind of cute.

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