Friday, June 30, 2023
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Monday, June 26, 2023
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Mom's physiotherapy
Mom has started physiotherapy after her stroke. The doctor says she needs four weeks of in-hospital therapy, but Dad would prefer two weeks in-hospital and then outpatient care.I know Mom would be happier at home, but Dad and my brother could be stretched taking care of her. She needs constant attention to avoid falling-- she doesn't like using her walker. This is all is easier to manage in a hospital setting with family, nurses, and aides.
A busy weekend in Seattle
We had a busy weekend in Seattle. Friends from California drove up in a motorhome and spent a day and a half with us. On Sunday, friends from Victoria came by ferry for a concert, and we had lunch with them the following day.Thursday, June 15, 2023
While our mother is in the hospital, my youngest brother has moved in with dad. Young Bro can work remote. Mom's hospital is nearby. Young Bro spends time with mom in the mornings and evenings.
Dad is pushing back on this arrangement. Young Bro and I are debating this. In the past, dad hid mom's cancer from my brothers and I because didn't want to inconvenience us. Dad is proudly independent. Too much so.
So Young Bro and I must judge-- is Dad pushing back because he is too proud to ask for help? Is Young Bro a genuine inconvenience?
This morning Young Bro sent me a video of mom eating lunch. Her left hand is working well. Her right struggles. Watching the video made me a little weepy.
Hang in there mom.
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Mother has started walking with a walker and some assistance.
She has Alzheimer's and doesn't remember back more than a few minutes. So it's difficult for her to learn about her stroke and accept that she needs some patience and therapy. The hospital has started strapping her in her bed. Without straps she regularly tries to leave, but then falls after a few steps. The alternative to straps is to have a family member with her 24x7. She trusts family. They can explain to her what's happened, again and again.
Sooner or later mom will leave the hospital. The doctor said that is at least a week away, if not longer. As these plans become more clear, I'll probably fly up to their place to help.
Monday, June 12, 2023
Friday, June 09, 2023
Wednesday Mom had a small stroke. She is in the hospital. My brother and father are with her.
She doesn't want to stay in the hospital. She is confused, but mobile enough to get into trouble. She'll get out of bed when no one is watching, take a few steps and fall.
She will be in the hospital for a few more days. Dad has communicated that we don't need to come up.
When my mother had cancer dad didn't tell us for months because he didn't want to bather us, and there was nothing we could do anyways. So when dad he told us "She had a small stroke. She is doing fine and will be out in a few days." we have all started digging into the little that we know to see what's really going on.
Wednesday, June 07, 2023
My boss has started using AI and is recommending it to us. His take is that there are so many Product Marketing and Product Vision documents on the internet, that AI can do a surprisingly good job of creating skeltons or boilerplate for that type of doc. AI isn't good at high level inspiration. Once you have the inspiration, AI does a great job of fleshing it out.