My Uncle has passed way. This is a blessing. He was in rapid decline from his cancer.
He was 87.
100 Percent Profoundness Free
Prechristmas (Advent?) is quiet. The weather, a mixture of snow and freeing rain, has been keeping many people at home.
To keep the hummingbird feeder from freezing, I've been brining in at night. The birds are grateful when I return it in the morning.
Wednesday and Thursday I did go to work. My VP had some use-it-or-lose-it money that he needed to spend before the end of year, so we had an impromptu holiday get-together at work.
Saturday, we hosted a holiday open house for our AA friends. Maybe 30 people showed up. It was good.
We have way too many leftovers now. Ham, crackers and cookies in particular. I've been impulsively snacking on the cookies.
Christmas, we are hosting a smaller party for family. Whatever is left will be served then.
We've been busy. Nothing much here to pontificate on. I'm just writing it all down so that I remember.
Two weekends ago we saw "Pink Martini."
Last weekend we saw "Jingle all the gay" on Friday. This is an annual holiday drag show. The two friends we saw it with said it's basically the same script every year, freshened up a bit to poke fun at whatever politics are current.
Saturday was the Seattle Symphony Christmas Pops. Sunday--dinner with Evan and Allen.
The husband has flown to CA for a few days for work.
We've had a gentle snow off and on over the past three days. We've finished with the Christmas decorations. Merry Christmas everyone. Happy Holidays.
The husband has a grade school friend in from out of town. She had a day long layover in Seattle, so they decided to get together. It's a pleasant day with her. She is decidedly more introverted than most of the husband's other friends, but she is enjoying the conversation.